Follow the leader

Welcome to our Wednesday Night Education Center for Pre-K to 5th grade!

During the Fall of 2023 we will be looking at Christ's Character. Each week we will look at an attribute of Christ and what it means. We will be going through the three phases of knowing Christ, growing in Christ, and serving Christ. We hope all 3rd-5th graders can join us as we begin to learn more about following Christ.

  • This week we will be looking at the faith of the paralyzed man and the Pharisees as Jesus teaches. Please watch the introduction video and dive into the lesson below.

    Trevor's Video here

    The PDF of the lesson here

  • This week Jesus will be feeding over 5,000 people with just a couple of loaves of bread and some fish, and also walk on water. Watch the introduction video below and take some time to go through the Bible study as a family.

    Trevor's Video here

    This Weeks PDF here

  • In closing our mini-session we will be reading about miracles, where Jesus raises someone from the dead and calms a storm surrounding a boat of sacred disciples. Thank you for joining us for this mini-session and please watch the video and dive into the Bible study below as a family.

    Trevor's Video here

    This Weeks PDF here